In the fast-paced world of food facilities, decisions regarding lubricants may appear minor at first glance. However, upon reading below, you'll join us and appreciate that these choices can exert a substantial financial influence on your bottom line. Our line of lubricating products serves to assist bakeries in achieving BRC compliance, discourage the use of hazardous black graphite on oven chains, and prevent costly mistakes. Keep reading to learn more about 4 common food-facility lubricant mistakes that you can easily fix today. 
In the fast-paced world of food facilities, decisions regarding lubricants may appear minor at first glance. However, upon reading below, you'll join us and appreciate that these choices can exert a substantial financial influence on your bottom line. Our line of lubricating products serves to assist bakeries in achieving BRC compliance, discourage the use of hazardous black graphite on oven chains, and prevent costly mistakes. Keep reading to learn more about 4 common food-facility lubricant mistakes that you can easily fix today. 
In the fast-paced world of food facilities, decisions regarding lubricants may appear minor at first glance. However, upon reading below, you'll join us and appreciate that these choices can exert a substantial financial influence on your bottom line. Our line of lubricating products serves to assist bakeries in achieving BRC compliance, discourage the use of hazardous black graphite on oven chains, and prevent costly mistakes. Keep reading to learn more about 4 common food-facility lubricant mistakes that you can easily fix today. 
Mistake #1: Focusing On The Short-Term
Gear with Oil

Choosing low-quality industrial-grade lubricants as a means to reduce immediate expenses may seem like a reasonable decision however, this approach often leads to a deceptive cost-saving strategy. These subpar lubricants, despite their initial affordability, contribute to heightened friction and wear due to their low viscosity, localized overheating and hazardous contaminant accumulation. Over time, this results in more frequent breakdowns and extended downtime for repairs. Ultimately, the short-term savings are outweighed by the long-term costs, including equipment replacement, diminished productivity, and the expenses associated with emergency maintenance.

How to fix the issue:  While thinking long-term can be challenging, there are practical steps you can take. One effective solution is to choose a reliable and financially sustainable food-grade lubricant, such as Chain Guard Lubricants. Our lubricants are specially designed to safeguard your equipment, to prolong its lifespan and minimize the need for frequent repairs. It's crucial to understand that although the initial investment in a quality lubricant may not be inexpensive, it's equally important to acknowledge that it doesn't equate to being costly in the long run.

Mistake #1: Focusing On The Short-Term
Choosing low-quality industrial-grade lubricants as a means to reduce immediate expenses may seem like a reasonable decision at first glance. However, this approach often leads to a deceptive cost-saving strategy. These subpar lubricants, despite their initial affordability, contribute to heightened friction and wear due to their low viscosity, localized overheating and hazardous contaminant accumulation. Over time, this results in more frequent breakdowns and extended periods of downtime for repairs. Ultimately, the short-term savings are outweighed by the long-term costs, including equipment replacement, diminished productivity, and the expenses associated with emergency maintenance.

How to fix the issue:  While thinking long-term can be challenging, there are practical steps you can take. One effective solution is to choose a reliable and financially sustainable food-grade lubricant, such as Chain Guard Lubricants. Our lubricants are specially designed to safeguard your equipment, with the goal of prolonging its lifespan and minimizing the need for frequent repairs. It's crucial to understand that although the initial investment in a quality lubricant may not be inexpensive, it's equally important to acknowledge that it doesn't equate to being costly in the long run.

Gear with Oil
Mistake #1: Focusing On The Short-Term
Choosing low-quality industrial-grade lubricants as a means to reduce immediate expenses may seem like a reasonable decision at first glance. However, this approach often leads to a deceptive cost-saving strategy. These subpar lubricants, despite their initial affordability, contribute to heightened friction and wear due to their low viscosity, localized overheating and hazardous contaminant accumulation. Over time, this results in more frequent breakdowns and extended periods of downtime for repairs. Ultimately, the short-term savings are outweighed by the long-term costs, including equipment replacement, diminished productivity, and the expenses associated with emergency maintenance.

How to fix the issue:  While thinking long-term can be challenging, there are practical steps you can take. One effective solution is to choose a reliable and financially sustainable food-grade lubricant, such as Chain Guard Lubricants. Our lubricants are specially designed to safeguard your equipment, to prolong its lifespan and minimize the need for frequent repairs. It's crucial to understand that although the initial investment in a quality lubricant may not be inexpensive, it's equally important to acknowledge that it doesn't equate to being costly in the long run.

Gear with Oil
Mistake #2: Choosing The Wrong Lubricants

The temptation of cost savings often drives bakeries to opt for hazardous non-food grade lubricants, such as black graphite, which are ill-suited for food environments. This decision exposes the bakery to significant risks. The use of such lubricants can introduce contaminants into your baked products, potentially leading to recalls, as illustrated by this well-known cola company, or tarnishing your brand reputation, similar to this ham company. Moreover, regulatory compliance becomes a pressing concern, as audit failures may result in lost business, fines and legal entanglements. Ultimately, the potential financial and reputational repercussions far outweigh any immediate financial gains associated with the use of unsafe lubricants. It's imperative to prioritize safety and quality in lubricant selection to protect your bakery's integrity and success.

How to fix the issue: The initial step is identifying why your company has chosen unsafe lubricants. Motivations can vary, from budget limitations or a traditional "it's always been done that way" approach. Regardless of the rationale, it's imperative to underscore the substantial risks linked to your current process and explore safer alternatives. If you're uncertain about where to begin, let's start here.

Oiling Gears
Mistake #2: Choosing The Wrong Lubricants
The temptation of cost savings often drives bakeries to opt for hazardous non-food grade lubricants, such as black graphite, which are ill-suited for food environments. This decision exposes the bakery to significant risks. The use of such lubricants can introduce contaminants into your baked products, potentially leading to recalls, as illustrated by this well-known cola company, or tarnishing your brand reputation, similar to this ham company. Moreover, regulatory compliance becomes a pressing concern, as audit failures may result in lost business, fines and legal entanglements. Ultimately, the potential financial and reputational repercussions far outweigh any immediate financial gains associated with the use of unsafe lubricants. It's imperative to prioritize safety and quality in lubricant selection to protect your bakery's integrity and success.

How to fix the issue: The initial step is identifying why your company has chosen unsafe lubricants. Motivations can vary, from budget limitations or a traditional "it's always been done that way" approach. Regardless of the rationale, it's imperative to underscore the substantial risks linked to your current process and explore safer alternatives. If you're uncertain about where to begin, let's start here.
Gear with Lubricant
Mistake #2: Choosing The Wrong Lubricants
The temptation of cost savings often drives bakeries to opt for hazardous non-food grade lubricants, such as black graphite, which are ill-suited for food environments. This decision exposes the bakery to significant risks. The use of such lubricants can introduce contaminants into your baked products, potentially leading to recalls, as illustrated by this well-known cola company, or tarnishing your brand reputation, similar to this ham company. Moreover, regulatory compliance becomes a pressing concern, as audit failures may result in lost business, fines and legal entanglements. Ultimately, the potential financial and reputational repercussions far outweigh any immediate financial gains associated with the use of unsafe lubricants. It's imperative to prioritize safety and quality in lubricant selection to protect your bakery's integrity and success.

How to fix the issue: The initial step is identifying why your company has chosen unsafe lubricants. Motivations can vary, from budget limitations or a traditional "it's always been done that way" approach. Regardless of the rationale, it's imperative to underscore the substantial risks linked to your current process and explore safer alternatives. If you're uncertain about where to begin, let's start here.

Gear with Lubricant
Mistake #3: Ignoring Preventive Maintenance
Roller Chains

In the rush to meet production demands, some bakeries overlook preventive maintenance. Although it might temporarily boost output, it ultimately results in higher long-term costs. Neglecting routine maintenance for equipment chains, gears, and bearings allows friction and stress to accumulate, leading to increased wear and tear. This negligence leads to more frequent breakdowns, longer downtime, and emergency repair expenses. Any savings from avoiding maintenance are quickly outweighed by repair costs and lost production time.

How to fix the issue: A straightforward solution is to choose a lubricant like Formula 600 that offers easy and precise application. These lubricants are specifically engineered to swiftly penetrate the most challenging industrial areas during production. Opting for an automatic lubrication system can reduce maintenance downtime by up to 8 hours. These approaches save your facility money and also have the potential to increase your production by reducing unplanned downtime due to emergency repairs. 


Mistake #3: Ignoring Preventive Maintenance

In the rush to meet production demands, some bakeries overlook preventive maintenance. Although it might temporarily boost output, it ultimately results in higher long-term costs. Neglecting routine maintenance for equipment chains, gears, and bearings allows friction and stress to accumulate, leading to increased wear and tear. This negligence leads to more frequent breakdowns, longer downtime, and emergency repair expenses. Any savings from avoiding maintenance are quickly outweighed by repair costs and lost production time.

How to fix the issue: A straightforward solution is to choose a lubricant like Formula 600 that offers easy and precise application. These lubricants are specifically engineered to swiftly penetrate the most challenging industrial areas during production. Opting for an automatic lubrication system can reduce maintenance downtime by up to 8 hours. These approaches save your facility money and also have the potential to increase your production by reducing unplanned downtime due to emergency repairs. 


Roller Chain
Mistake #3: Ignoring Preventive Maintenance

In the rush to meet production demands, some bakeries overlook preventive maintenance. Although it might temporarily boost output, it ultimately results in higher long-term costs. Neglecting routine maintenance for equipment chains, gears, and bearings allows friction and stress to accumulate, leading to increased wear and tear. This negligence leads to more frequent breakdowns, longer downtime, and emergency repair expenses. Any savings from avoiding maintenance are quickly outweighed by repair costs and lost production time.

How to fix the issue: A straightforward solution is to choose a lubricant like Formula 600 that offers easy and precise application. These lubricants are specifically engineered to swiftly penetrate the most challenging industrial areas during production. Opting for an automatic lubrication system can reduce maintenance downtime by up to 8 hours. These approaches save your facility money and also have the potential to increase your production by reducing unplanned downtime due to emergency repairs.

Roller Chain
Mistake #4: Underestimating Downtime Costs

Undervaluing the financial consequences of production downtime is a significant error. According to this study, lubrication errors cost companies as high as $250,000 due to unplanned downtime. Costs go beyond the immediate loss of production; downtime disrupts the entire supply chain, causing delays in orders and potentially jeopardizing customer relationships. The costs extend to missed revenue, diminished customer trust, and operational inefficiencies. A precise evaluation of downtime expenses is vital for strategic budgeting, resource allocation, and risk management.

How to fix the issue: Addressing this requires a proactive approach. Simply choosing the right lubricants isn't sufficient. Educating employees on proper lubricant storage, application and management is equally crucial and can have a significant financial impact. Reinforce the importance of a strong food safety culture within your team, encouraging them to report any potential contamination incidents promptly as this will save your bakery from potential financial losses and fosters a safer and more responsible work environment.

Gears with Lubricant
Mistake #4: Underestimating Downtime Costs

Undervaluing the financial consequences of production downtime is a significant error. According to this study, lubrication errors cost companies as high as $250,000 due to unplanned downtime. Costs go beyond the immediate loss of production; downtime disrupts the entire supply chain, causing delays in orders and potentially jeopardizing customer relationships. The costs extend to missed revenue, diminished customer trust, and operational inefficiencies. A precise evaluation of downtime expenses is vital for strategic budgeting, resource allocation, and risk management.

How to fix the issue: Addressing this requires a proactive approach. Simply choosing the right lubricants isn't sufficient. Educating employees on proper lubricant storage, application and management is equally crucial and can have a significant financial impact. Reinforce the importance of a strong food safety culture within your team, encouraging them to report any potential contamination incidents promptly as this will save your bakery from potential financial losses and fosters a safer and more responsible work environment.

Gears with Oil
Mistake #4: Underestimating Downtime Costs

Undervaluing the financial consequences of production downtime is a significant error. According to this study, lubrication errors cost companies as high as $250,000 due to unplanned downtime. Costs go beyond the immediate loss of production; downtime disrupts the entire supply chain, causing delays in orders and potentially jeopardizing customer relationships. The costs extend to missed revenue, diminished customer trust, and operational inefficiencies. A precise evaluation of downtime expenses is vital for strategic budgeting, resource allocation, and risk management.

How to fix the issue: Addressing this requires a proactive approach. Simply choosing the right lubricants isn't sufficient. Educating employees on proper lubricant storage, application and management is equally crucial and can have a significant financial impact. Reinforce the importance of a strong food safety culture within your team, encouraging them to report any potential contamination incidents promptly as this will save your bakery from potential financial losses and fosters a safer and more responsible work environment.

Gears with Oil

Ready to Bake Safe on a Budget?
Talk to one of our experts today! 
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Ready to Bake Safe on a Budget?
Talk to one of our experts today! 
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Ready to Bake Safe
on a Budget?
Talk to one of our experts today! 
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