8 Ways Custodians Can Use Formula 600 Lubricant to Maintain School Facilities
*Disclaimer: Be sure to ALWAYS test Formula 600 in a small area when applying to finished areas that are painted or can become damaged.

Formula 600 is great for custodians to have on hand.  Especially the ones in the school system.  Not only can Formula 600 help with many day to day custodial duties, but because Formula 600 is H1 food grade, it is a safer product to use to lubricate wheels or surfaces that children might end up touching.


1. Lubricate Wheels and Casters on TV Carts, Gym Equipment, Garbage Cans and Chairs

Are the wheels on the school’s TV carts squeaking again?  What about the wheels on those finger flattening scooters?  (you know the ones).  It is important to maintain wheels and casters and keep them clean and well lubricated.  This will help to maintain their function and prevent rust from building up.  Spray a bit of Formula 600 lubricant onto those squeaky wheels and keep them rolling like new.

2. Clean Graphite Scuffs from Floor Tiles

It happens in classrooms daily, a pencil breaks and gets underneath a student’s chair, resulting in graphite marks all over the floor.  Before you try to mop away these marks, spray a bit of Formula 600 onto a cloth or soft to medium bristle brush (even a tooth brush) and wipe over the pencil marks, then mop.  It will help the marks come off faster!

3. Remove Stuck Gum from Surfaces

Found gum stuck under a table or chair?  Easily remove it with a little bit of Formula 600 and a scrapping tool.


4. Red Cheese Wax Stuck to The Floor?

It’s many children’s favorite lunchtime snack and every custodians’ worst nightmare.  Spray a little Formula 600 onto the wax before trying to scrape it off.  It will help it to slide off of the floor much easier.

5. Kitchen Equipment in Cafeterias
Formula 600 works wonderfully on kitchen equipment found in school cafeterias or teachers lounges.  Click here to read our blog that contains more uses for Formula 600, which includes how to fix squeaky oven doors and rusty can openers.

6. Unstick Chairs

When two chairs are refusing to separate, Formula 600 is your friend!

7. Prevent Rust from Building Up

Use Formula 600 to help fight against rust and corrosion.  Spray a little onto metal hinges, wheels and nails to prevent rust from building up.  This is an especially important practice to do in schools.

8. Help Tables Fold Up and Down Easily

Have a lunch table that just won’t unfold?  Spray some Formula 600 onto the table bars to help it unfold and fold back up with ease.




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